SCKC Class Registration

Registering for Family Dog One - F6001

Category: Obedience
Instructor: Linda Chiaramonte
Description: Family Dog One – For Older Dogs Beyond the Puppy Stage This is our 6-week Basic Obedience Class for your dog, using the positive reinforcement method know as marker training. Behaviors which are being taught are marked with the sound of a mechanical clicker or the word β€œyes” to signal that the behavior was correct. This signal is then followed by a reward. As the dog progresses, the clicker will be phased out. In this class, your dog will learn attention skills, sit, down, stand, stay, come, leave it, and how to walk politely on a leash. Heeling/polite walking skills are practiced each week as this is often one of the most difficult skill sets to master. Behavior problems, such as reactive barking on walks, jumping, impolite greetings, lack of impulse control and poor door manners are discussed each week with explanations or exercises to teach you how to turn those behaviors into something more acceptable. Please bring your dog, wearing a buckle collar, limited slip martingale, head halter or harness, a 6’ leather or fabric lead, and plenty of small, tasty treats (string cheese highly recommended!). You will be provided with a clicker to keep. Course includes handouts.
Price: Member: $90.00 Non-Member: $125.00
Members are entitled to a discount on courses. Please check the box if you are a member.
I understand as the owner/handler of this dog, I assume full responsibility for the dog. In case of injury to either an individual or dog, STONE CITY KENNEL CLUB, INC. assumes no responsibility or liability. I understand that sckc sometimes takes candid photos of our students and their great dogs for use in our social media and website. This acknowledges your acceptance of Stone City Kennel Club use in social media and website.